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Writer's pictureclusterfuc.

Year 1

It's always easier to focus on the bad rather than noticing the good things in life, especially in the chaos of 2020. Just over a year now I tested the waters with drift/car photography. Its been one of the best decisions of my life, so far. A year ago I definitely didn't imagine being where I am today, and it's important to acknowledge your accomplishments.

Happy things!

  • Started CF Media, LLC

  • clusterfuc. swag is available

  • Started some already great friendships

  • Reached my goal to be approved as media for ClubFR at their last event of 2019

  • Being media for Hostile Takeover in 2019 and will be again for 2020

  • Have learned SO much more about cars already

  • Giving less fucks about what people think about me

  • Learned panning photography

  • Meeting the goal of having my work be on Final Bout's social media

  • Being less of an introvert

  • Learning how to operate a small business

  • I've found my niche with candid photography at the track

  • Got me out of my depression


The best part of it all though, is finding something to be passionate about again. As frustrating as it can be with all the running from event to event, making the time to edit, sending people photos of their cars, and making sure to update on social media. It's beyond worth it. However, just because some goals have been met, doesn't mean to not make new goals. So, to hold myself accountable, below are the next goals.

clusterfuc. goals 2020

  • 1,500 Instagram followers by the end of the year - still with organic growth

  • Learn to be better technically with photography

  • Be in the green

  • Invest in higher level equipment

  • Don't fear charging for work

  • Have a way for people to order prints

  • Find a concrete editing style

  • Apply as media for as many events as possible

  • Invest in on-hand swag inventory


I am far from the best, but proud of the progress I've made. With that said, it's important for anyone to not undervalue their work. It's not an easy transition to start charging, but it's time. This may seem like weird timing being half way through the year, but car season is now the start of my year. I can't say thank you enough to everyone that has supported this adventure. All the follow photographers that have responded to my questions, receiving advice from fellow photographers that I look up too, means more than I can put into words. Many of you have no idea how fucking happy it makes me when I see one of my photos as a profile picture, when it's shared on social media, when I get a notification that I was tagged in a post or when you recommend me to someone.

Drift culture/family/community, whatever you choose to call it,

means more to me that I can put into words.


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